Hello there everybody who is viewing this blog.The purpose of creating this blog is to serve as an information site,a forum about art and art education and a feedback area regarding certain suggestion,idea and issues.I hope it will also serve as a means of communication between art educators,lecturers of art and students within UBD and all who are interested in art and education.
After years of teaching art and education,l felt that there are other means of delivering our teaching approach and methods especially to make our students interested in their studies.Interaction between lecturers and students can be done in various ways.The normal and conventional way of meeting face to face with students,talking and discussing about certain topics have already been done all these years.l am not arguing that this method is not good but l do think that maybe we can create some other way which can help to communicate between lecturers and students.Therefore,with this idea in mind,l am creating this blog as an experiment whether it can or can't be 'a communication tool' between lectures and students.l appreciate any comments and suggestions to any of the idea in this blog.